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Key Points around GitHub

What I uphold

  1. Using GitHub Issues and GitHub Discussions

    Found an Issue in a GitHub Project? Raise it (Minblowing I know). Found a cool feature to integrate? Issues is your place. There are times when Maintainers will ask you to move the conversation to GitHub Discussions and that’s good since that allows other maintainers & developers to share their solutions.

  2. What after Hacktoberfest

    I have been active during Hacktoberfest since last year but this year, I found a community where I can learn and contribute to their repos. I understood what their goals were and found excitement for their projects. Now my contributions tend to solve their Issues & my subjective feedback brings a different perspective to their PRs.

  3. Anxiety around Pull Requests

    I used to assume my PRs would be immediately reviewed & merged. That led to inevitable delays in delivery. The key thing about PRs is that they can be improved with reviews & new commits. Say, I am translating a page in my language of choice: I can precisely commit my changes and spend way too much time & effort on that single page only for it to find some errors by the maintainers or I can rapidly translate, commit/push, create a PR, have it reviewed and updated while continuing my own work.